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When to Contact a Birth Injury Attorney

March 1, 2017

When an injury occurs to a baby or mother during labor or delivery, the harm may have been unavoidable. If, however, the treatment selected by the doctor was wrong or the physician failed to take proper care, our firm encourages you to contact our Denver personal injury attorneys at your earliest convenience.

A medical team has a responsibility to ensure that the delivery process of a child is as safe and simple as possible for both mother and baby. Medical experts are often involved at every phase of the pregnancy to help both parties remain in the best possible condition.

This requires a thorough involvement, including:

  • Regular checkups
  • Proper encouragement of a healthy diet
  • Proper monitoring of the baby
  • Promotion of exercise classes

Problems can, and often do, occur up to the moment a baby is born. The medical provider is required to be proactive and take every step possible to reasonably keep the mother and baby safe. If this duty of care is not given and the medical provider or hospital acts in a negligent manner, it may be time to contact a birth injury attorney.

Dealing with Your Physician’s Negligence

Negligence can typically be attributed to simple human error, but this mistake is often very costly when dealing with the birthing process. Some of the simple, yet costly, acts of negligence include:

  • Failure to weigh the baby
  • Failure to check for deficiencies
  • Misreading imaging
  • Failure to closely monitor mother and baby

Parents of injured children who have suffered birth injuries should explore the cause and see if liabilities exist. We know that financial compensation cannot undo the damage, but it can help provide the injured child with an improved quality of life.

We encourage you to not wait too long to get legal help if you have reason to believe that the medical staff is responsible for a birth injury, whether to yourself or the child. Our personal injury lawyers can help you get the financial assistance you need after such an injury. Contact us today!

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